
Burn the village / feel the warmth


Photo: Goosen, D.C., 851045 | Het Utrechts Archief

Based on an African saying: ‘If you exclude the young people, they burn the city and warm themselves by the fire.’ With this text as a beacon of light on the facade of Hoog Catharijne, artist Nathan Coley makes us think.

The texts of this artist are normally aligned horizontal, but this text is aligned vertically on the facade. The two sentences: “Burn The Village” & “Feel The Warmth” are separated and displayed back to back. Nathan Coley uses this form of representation to accentuate the state of cause and effect defined in the text.

Artist: Nathan Coley


Nathan Coley makes installations, drawings, pictures and light sculptures. They are all about how people use buildings. How does the artechtonic space in which we live, work and shop affect our social behavior? Coley investigates how he can influence the experience of our environment as an artist, for example with a text.